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Maintenance Calendar

Don’t let maintenance windows catch you by surprise.

DELTA provides updates and maintenance on Learning Technologies such as WolfWare, Moodle, Panopto, Zoom and WolfWare WordPress in order to provide stable, reliable service to NC State faculty and students.

The standard maintenance window lasts from 6 a.m. – 3 p.m.

To subscribe to this calendar with your Google Apps @ NC State account:

  1. While logged into your Google Calendar account, click the Add to Google Calendar link in the lower left corner of the calendar above.
  2. Select Yes if you are asked whether you want to add it to your list of calendars.
  3. Under Other Calendars in the left column, you will now see the Learning Technologies Maintenance Calendar.

Alternately, you may:

  1. Log in to your Google Calendar at
  2. Under Other Calendars in the left column, paste the following address into the text box “Add a coworker’s calendar”:
  3. Press the Enter key to confirm.
  4. Under Other Calendars in the left column, you will now see the Learning Technologies Maintenance Calendar.