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About WolfWare

WolfWare is NC State's enterprise suite of academic technologies and tools that provides instructors, students and staff with a cohesive online environment for course enhancement and delivery.


The WolfWare Mission is to provide a suite of online tools to instructors, students and support staff that facilitate teaching and learning in fully-online, face-to-face and blended environments.

Educational Tools

Since the launch of WolfWare Classic in 1999, WolfWare has offered an accessible course management platform that allows instructors and students to focus on course content and learning, rather than on the technologies themselves.

The WolfWare suite comprises a variety of academic tools and technologies to support learning and content delivery.

Additionally, WolfWare integrates and links to other campus-based technologies, such as the NC State Library Course Tools and SIS (for courses, rosters and grade submission).

Resources and Support

New to WolfWare or instructional technologies at NC State? Visit the WolfWare Help page to get started.

Not sure where to begin? Contact DELTA’s LearnTech Help Desk at (919) 513-7094, or complete a LearnTech Request form.

An Evolving Suite

WolfWare has been an important part of teaching and learning at NC State since the launch of WolfWare Classic in 1999, and it is continually being updated to provide the most effective support for the NC State community as more and more courses move to full or partial online delivery.

Read more about WolfWare’s history on DELTA News.